Interactive Customer Journeys
Large companies use a lot of tools, which becomes intimidating and confusing for those using them. The complexity can look like chaos. Technicians come and go, duplicate tools start to show up and the efficiency of the ‘toolbox’ breaks down.
When the tool one needs is at hand, the task can be completed easier, faster and at a high level. By bringing all our tools together (toolbox) we can easily complete more tasks with less effort. When that toolbox is organized with contextual associations we can easily understand what each tool does before ever touching it, thus reducing the learning curve.
This is an interactive customer journey tool that presents contextual tools to offer clarity and easier understanding of complex disperse but related business processes. This is a single source of truth for the business to understand their highly complex services and offerings.
Problem Definition
Business is complex.
The insurance business is very complex. Creating a digital self-service insurance marketplace and the supporting customer retention systems necessary to keep everyone happy is incredibly complex.
Bring order to chaos
The visualizing how individual processes and tools work together enables us to see the big picture. How? By creating a structure for tools and materials to reduce the effort and skill required to understand what is really happening. Organizing projects, their results and business objectives enables us to make a better experience (for customers AND employees) while doing better business.
Weaving together A single source of truth
Gathering loose ends together to account for what is ‘out there’ is a ceaseless task. A task that gets in the way of doing the tasks that we’re already trying to do. Being able to weave these threads of projects, objectives and feedback loops together helps give purpose and substance to the individual threads. When arranged together the threads become much stronger… and quickly much more useful than on their own.
Business data is frayed. Weaving the right threads of data together into a dashboard will change the way we see the tapestry of information in front of us.
Putting together the pieces.
By feeding the information already being gathered (systems and tools in current use) understanding can be quickly gained into how effective our efforts are. This works by viewing disperse system feedback relative to a given end-user interaction which gives us actionable insight into our user’s experiences.
Touch Point Database
This system is enabled with a database of the information available for any given touchpoint. This could include goals, KPIs, triggers, segmentation data, teams involved, versioning, etc.
Custom output for user
Different users will want/need different information. Letting them customize what they see from the pool of available data offers maximum flexibility and reduces distractions. Including a few standard views can serve common business needs.
Interactive Opportunities
Views from 30k’ and below
Executive Dashboard
A high level view of the entire customer ecosystem from awareness through acquisition and service.
Customer Journeys
Organized chronologically to illustrate the customer’s experience from different starting points.
Technical Flows
The detailed flow of what is happening at the surface and below. Includes system calls and databases to better understand technical constraints within our systems.
Tier I: Overview
High Level: Customer Lifecycle View
Touchpoint details
The overview page shows high-level details to give an up-to-date understanding of the state of business. Details include KPIs, systems, opportunities and recent/pending enhancements. Click the icons to access deeper information.
Future iterations could include rows for customer perceptions, segment, status or any definable attribute.
Tier II: Journeys
Low Level: Specific Customer Journeys.
By understanding how prospects & customers interact with our MANY touch points, we can gauge touch point effectiveness. Every interaction can have a multitude of variables that influence user interaction and choice. By mapping the moments of interaction people have with us, we can evolve each interaction for the better. Improving the customer perception of our brand, increasing sales and improving retention.This brand perception is critical in swaying customer perception — both positively & negatively.
Know your surroundings
Each touch point requires knowledge to gain context of the given path. These interactive customer journeys naturally give viewers context and allow natural navigation to dig deeper. Icons are clickable, UIs, forks, Jira storys/requirements and Google Analytics are all linked to every touchpoint.
Tier III: Service Blueprints
Ground Level: Technical documentation with logic gates
The customer experience is variable.
Knowing how traffic is moving through our systems can tell us a lot about our users.
As a customer enters one of our digital experiences the path they follow is customized based on their data. Users are channeled by system driven ‘logic gates’ that verify criteria are met. This is an opportunity to offer preferred segments an even better experience, like Auto-Data-Pre-fill and no Pre-Insurance Inspection.
Analyze to optimize
By analyzing our traffic we can learn a great deal about who they are and how our systems are meeting their needs. Watching site traffic over time gives us a deeper understanding how various segments perform. With this insight we can identify opportunities to improve the flow of traffic through via enhancements to UI and the logic system that determines the path forward.